Discover the cultural richness of Morocco through our alternative group getaways (signature trips, music and folklore festivals and tailor-made trips). We offer proposals for conscious tourism and cultural immersion throughout the Moroccan geography and, especially, in the Sahara Desert, in addition to cooperating with the society of Merzouga for the development of the cultural and feminine sector.

Author's trips



Our distinctive seal that advocates sustainable, durable, empathetic and respectful tourism, furthermore, away from the main tourist routes. If you want to create your personalized route with us, we recommend that you get inspired by our customized trips section. Anything you imagine can be created! What are you waiting for to make your travel dream come true?


Our original creation, the Musical Tour through different regions of the Moroccan geography, is a unique combination between classical tourism and private concerts. A creative proposal in the style of a traveling music festival that will soon celebrate its third edition. On the other hand, we also take you to the main music and folklore festivals of the Moroccan scene. If you want to be inspired by all the great cultural wealth that exists, consult our specific section on festivals, alive, dynamic, always in the process of expansion.


Experiences focused on enjoyment but, above all, on consciousness. A way of traveling and feeling through all the elements that the desert can offer us (nature, infinite landscapes, silence, time, introspection, memory, presence, listening, inspiration, community, tribe...).

We propose a journey of introspection to delve into the essence of life: Mother Earth. And what better than to return to the origins, to the continent that lovingly conceived us, Africa. She, our ancestral mother, will welcome us into her lap, and will give us shelter in the middle of the desert between the Sun, the Moon and the stars. The rhetoric of words becomes a tangible reality and at the same time an accumulation of sensations impossible to define. Traveling to the desert is connecting and vibrating with the primordial. The desert strips us of everything superfluous and strips our soul.


We collaborate hand in hand with our community of sisters from the Tismarte Women's Cooperative in Merzouga and carry out immersive experiences that influence the development of the women's sector in the desert. In addition, we can create a trip focused exclusively on sharing with Moroccan sisters and carrying out activities that strengthen ties, self-knowledge and the development of the female entrepreneurial field, especially in supporting cooperatives (sewing, embroidery, regional products -tahlaout, argan, amlou-, cooking workshops, Amazigh culture...) and to empowered, transgressive women, artists... who can become the driving force of true social change. We will be happy to share our ideas, after all the experience accumulated in these years of mutual support, to be able to implement dynamics adapted to the needs of desert society, that enrich women, always from empathy and respect. If you want to know more, we recommend that you read us in our Cooperation and development section.

In addition to these author trips, we can include exchange activities for a conscious childhood by collaborating with the main entities of Merzouga (cooperatives, associations, daycare or school).


We love discovering a country through the prism of the conscious movement or its root manifestations. So we can offer you original proposals that combine movement and conscious tourism in collaboration with different facilitators and professionals of exploration in dance or alternative disciplines (meditation, yoga, chi kung,...). On the other hand, we can also show you Morocco from the discovery of its genuine cultural manifestations of dance and folklore (ahidous, ahawach, gnaoua, guedra...).


We carefully select facilitators who offer us an introspective and healing experience through art, as well as spaces of immense beauty in the middle of nature that support our proposals of balance and well-being.

We offer organized trips with established dates during the year, but we can also organize personalized getaways for groups on other dates. Contact us!

Sign up for beauty and self-care (Hamam - sauna and traditional Moroccan massage)

"Pamper yourself on all our retreats"

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