Discover the cultural richness of Morocco through our alternative group getaways (signature trips, music and folklore festivals and tailor-made trips). We offer proposals for conscious tourism and cultural immersion throughout the Moroccan geography and, especially, in the Sahara Desert, in addition to cooperating with the society of Merzouga for the development of the cultural and feminine sector.

Fez Festival

Under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Fez Festival of Sacred Music of the World was created in 1994. Later, in 2001, the Forum linked to this meeting would also be inaugurated, which is part of the tradition of safeguarding culture, artistic and spiritual. In the same year 2001, the festival was designated by the UN as one of the most recognized events that contribute to dialogue between civilizations. The festival brings together artists of great international notoriety and of very varied origins: India, Pakistan, Spain, Turkey,... without forgetting representatives of the sacred tradition of the kingdom of Morocco.

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